Thursday, December 8, 2011

CT results a mixed bag.

My CT scan results showed some growth for most of the tumors except for a couple.  The one in my left lung that was causing pain on my left side got smaller as well as one in my right lung.  Strange.  But, that's what makes cancer so hard to predict.  Because of the growth, I won't be going back on the study I was on.  We were given a couple of options.  We could sign the consent for the vaccine and wait 2 weeks while they test my tumor for the antigen, or we could get started on another study next week with a sister drug to a chemo that I've already had.  We opted for this study.  The good news is I showed some response to the chemo, so we're hoping we'll get a good response with this drug.  The not-so-good news is I will lose my hair AGAIN. Other possible side effects include fatigue, flu-like symptoms and neuropathy. Ugh. I'm kind of looking at it as a stop-gap measure - something to get me by until something better comes along.

That's the scoop for now.  Everyone have a great weekend!


  1. You are always in our thoughts and prayers! You strength is amazing and an inspiration!

  2. Dear Chris, you have been in my thoughts and I continue to pray for you everyday. I hope to be able to see you soon. Much Love Cindy Karcher

  3. Hang in there Chris! I'm always here thinking of you! Here's to success with the new treatment! Who cares about hair! It's winter. Good reason to buy more hats! Jackie
