Ken and I went to Roswell yesterday to sign consent forms for the clinical trial vaccine. When we got there, Dr. Dy said she had just finished a teleconference with the pharmaceutical company that made the medicine from the last trial. She told us that they are willing to let me get back on the study if my Bell's Palsy is significantly better within the next two weeks. I would be getting a lower dosage. After my headache adventure, another participant experienced the same nasty headache. Because of this, they have determined that the dosage was too high. Interestingly enough, the reason for this trial was to determine the correct dosage of this particular drug. Glad I could be of assistance! So, before I go back on the study, Dr. Dy would like me to have another CT scan next week. If there is any progression of disease, they won't put me back on the study because it obviously isn't working. We would look for another trial, probably the vaccine to start with. But, if there is no progression, or if there is some regression, we'll get back on the study again probably starting on 12/13.
In the meantime, I'm waking up each morning hoping the right side of my face has decided to start working again. So far, not much luck. Everyone tells me it's looking better, but I don't really see it. I just want my face back! On top of that, I've discovered that this condition is a bit painful. All of the muscles and nerves on the right side of my face hurt. No fun. I've gone out of the house a couple of times. If I don't smile or try to talk, I almost look like I could pass for normal - unless they focus on my right eye which is perpetually wide open with a look of surprise. I was wearing a patch on that eye at first because it was drying out so bad. But, my eye has adjusted and is making enough tears so that I can leave it uncovered. That's a good thing. I didn't like the patch. Ayyye, matie!
I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving. We did. Now, on to Christmas. I look forward to that. Hopefully, I'll be back on the study and it will be going well. But, if not, that's OK too. We'll find something else. It's all in the Lord's hands. It's very comforting knowing that He is in charge.
Thank you for the update. You are in our prayers daily and I love how positive you are in all your posts. It makes all of us smile- you're such a great example. I hope the CT scan shows wonderful things!
ReplyDeleteLove you,
Beauty is in the EYE of the Beholder.
Just continuelly bringing you my lame humor!