Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day 9 . . .

Wow!  Who knew we'd make it this far??  All things considered, I'm doing well.  I was experiencing a little neuropathy (little shooting pains), but that seems to be gone for the moment.  It will probably kick up again after the next infusion.  Mostly, I'm just dealing with a bit of fatigue.  I think the fatigue is exacerbated by the Gabapentin I'm still taking for the Bell's Palsy.  Speaking of which, the Bell's Palsy is almost completely gone.  Woohoo! They'll probably take me off of the Gabapentin next Tuesday when I go in for another follow-up.  My next infusion is the Tuesday after that.

I hope everyone has recuperated from the hustle and bustle of the Holidays.  Our Christmas was one of the nicest ones we've ever had.  Our family felt such an outpouring of love this year.  Sometimes when the weight of this trial feels like it's just too much for our family, the Lord sends angels to bear us up.  Those angels came in the form of extended family members whose kindness and generosity touched our hearts, and friends and co-workers who truly exemplified the true spirit of Christmas.  Thank you.

Now, on to 2012!  Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy New Year full of love and promise.

Until next time . . .


  1. So happy to hear that you're still feeling well and that the Bell's Palsy is almost gone! woo hoo indeed. I'm also happy to hear that your Christmas was wonderful.
    Love you!

  2. Have a wonderful New Years with your family! I'm praying for utmost success with your treatments! Love, Jackie

  3. How are you doing Chris? Catch up when you can! with Love, Jackie
