Saturday, October 29, 2011

A slight change in plans . . .

I received a call from Dr. Dy late yesterday afternoon.  I think I neglected to say in my last post that there was one person ahead of me for the one slot left in this study.  We were told that there were some issues regarding eligibility for this person, so they didn't think he/she would get the slot.  Dr. Dy seemed relatively certain that I would get the slot.  Well, it looks like this other person is going to get it after all.  I am a bit disappointed.  But, then again, who knows if it would have worked anyway.

So, on to plan B.  There is another study that I can get into pretty quickly with a sister drug of a chemo that I had earlier this year.  The good news:  My tumors responded to the chemo, so hopefully they'll respond to this drug.  It's administered by infusion at the hospital once every 3 weeks, so less time at the hospital.  The not-so-good news:  Fatigue will be an issue, as well as some neuropathy. And, I will lose my hair.  :(   Oh well.

It might be kind of fun looking for a new wig.  My old one is blond.  I'm just not comfortable being a blond anymore. I kind of like the silver/grey in my hair.  I think I might try to keep that color scheme if I can.  Curly or straight - I'm not sure yet.  I'm open for suggestions!

1 comment:

  1. you should try curly, maybe all the girls(adult) can go with you and help pick it out
