Tuesday, March 13, 2012

She's not feeling so great.....

Hello Friends and Family,

Some family out West emailed me today asking for me to put an update on Chris' blog since they've heard she's in the hospital right now.  I checked with Chris, and she has asked me to go ahead and do so.  

First, I have been asked to pass along how grateful both Chris and Ken are for the overwhelming support, hard work, and generosity regarding the special benefit in her honor last week. I know I can't express how grateful I am personally for the outpouring of love and kindness shown to my Sister and her family.  I'm rather speechless about it, but I'm not surprised just how many people love the Van Ry family and would do this to help them.  Thank you from myself, who couldn't be there.  Thank you from the Van Ry kids, thank you from my Mom, Maurine, and thank you from Chris and Ken.  I'm sure when Chris feels better, she will add her thoughts.  

It's been a hard several weeks for our entire family.  Bill Shomers, who somehow became part of our family 24 years ago, passed away last week.  In fact, he passed away just days before the benefit on Wed. Those of us who were able to, scrambled to get to NY to be there for the funeral which was just this past Sat.  I was lucky enough to be able to be there for a few quick days.  This was all just too much for Chris.  While I was there, I was incredibly worried about her.  She was exhausted, almost always down on the couch, she's had a cough that's really been winding her, and she was frustrated that she couldn't keep up with everything.  This past Sunday, just hours after I left to return home, she ended up in the ER at Millard Fillmore Suburban with a 103 fever.  She was there for hours.  Her Dr at Roswell, Dr K, told her to go there.  Something about Roswell didn't have room at the moment for her.  At Suburban, she had chest x-rays and another CT scan.  The results showed fluid in her chest cavity and possibly her left lung.  (Hopefully I got that right.) She was transferred via ambulance to Roswell around Midnight.  They are testing for Pneumonia, Flu, and other infections.  She is on antibiotics and IV fluids.  The fever is down a bit, but Chris says it comes and goes.  She also had some stomach pain yesterday which she thought was from all the coughing, the Drs gave her morphine and she felt much better.  Chris hasn't had the chest tube drain in her side for quite a while now.  Because of that, they did have to tap her side and drained about a liter of fluid out of her chest cavity.  That made her feel instantly better.  Today however, her abdomen has been swollen and sore.  Per her last update, they (the all knowing "they") think it's a possible bowel obstruction.  She's been told to walk as much as she can at the hospital with the hope it will correct itself.

Because of this newest development, we really don't know when she will be released to go home.  She is in isolation at this time, and has to test clear of infection for 48 hrs before she gets to leave.  As of this time, the initial tests aren't even back yet that I know of.  

Please keep your prayers coming.  They are so appreciated and I know they are felt by her.  

I hope I've covered most of your questions and worries.  She loves reading your comments, so blow up her inbox here with them.  = )  I'll continue to keep her blog updated until she can take over again.



  1. Christine, We love you and are praying for you. Get better so the girls and I can come for a little girl time with you. See you soon. Gail

  2. Praying for you to FEEL better...not to BE better...because you're already the BEST!

    Your plant is in the hospital room that is Paul's office. Every time I go in there, I look at it, and I lecture Paul if it doesn't look like it's thriving. Right now it's leaning over the side of the mug-pot because Paul "broke the stem" when he was being the Plant Whisperer. I raised my eyebrows and told him to WATCH IT. I know it's going to blossom. It is the ugly duckling of plants right now, but it will become a SWAN.

    "I realize that my suffering is not my own. It is the Passion of the Christ, stretching out its tendrils into my life in order to bear rich clusters of grapes, making my soul dizzy with the wine of Christ's love, and pouring that wine as strong as fire upon the whole world." - Thomas Merton

    I love that quote. I was also reading a book of quotes from Saint Therese of Lisieux (one of my fav. saints) and there was this whole section on suffering where she was like... "I love suffering"..."I accept suffering with joy"...etc. etc. and I was sitting there like, WHAT? ARE YOU CRAZY, WOMAN? Even the slightest twinge of frustration and I desire to complain until my brain can no longer string two words together. It is obviously such an amazing power and blessing to see suffering as something good--and especially in the midst of our pain.

    I thought about her choice to relish suffering...and then the very next day something happened that made me cry and I thought 'can I see this as good and take it with joy?'. Well, NO! I couldn't! We are just humans, and God knows that! It's okay...

    Love + Prayers ~ Meg L.

  3. Thinking of and praying for you everyday. Much Love, Cindy K

  4. Hi Chris, hope today finds you up and spinning around the nurses station! Keep your spirits up because I need you to keep mine up too! I so enjoy our little chats and always have a laugh or two when I'm on the phone with you. Looking forward to your being home and feeling up to a talk! Jackie

  5. Hi Neighbor!
    Just wanted to send our love and prayers of support...so
    glad to get the update:) Love you, Craig & Robin

  6. Thank you for the update!
    We really missed her smiling, beautiful face at our RS Birthday breakfast this morning and hope she can come home soon. Love you Christine!

  7. Hi Chris, hope you are out of the hospital by now! It's a gorgeous day and I hope you are feeling much better soon!

  8. Go out and sit in the sun on your deck and enjoy the spring weather. Watch for the birds of spring to start gathering nesting materials and the songs of the spring birds. Do you have Northern Mocking Birds in New York? They are the most glorius and cheerful singers! The vitamin D in the sun will pep you up. Spring is renewal and we all need some of that. Love you lots, Chris.
    Aunty Ade
